This was my first time seeing all of these artists. My favorite act of the more folky, acoustic stuff from the festival was Efren. He has a real downtrodden way to his style and his semi-raspy voice goes well with his acoustic guitar. Nadia told me he was one of her favorite acts and I have to agree…Efren gets the emotions running…check it…
Rolling Nowhere was an amazing act as well. I liked there laid back, good time style to their take on country, roots music. They have songs about doing what they do and songs about hippies, or wait, wannabe hippies. I recommend them if you’re down for song good ole’ folky fun…they made a fan out of me…
McNary was more along the lines of Efren, only a little more soulful and introspective. He seems to have a really refined sound and a pretty unique voice. He had tons of family and friends there to see them and it was clear he likes to include his friends and fans in an all around community around his music. For his last song he invited some friends, including Josh Yoder from Jungol, on stage to sing with him. Good times had at a McNary show…
Neil Cribbs is just an acoustic guitar and a harmonica. It was refreshing to see bust out a harmonica with a one man show..Neil Cribbs…oozing with talent…you can interact with him on the moon and pluto as I noticed he posts on there quite often…hey Neil, get some postin goin on over here too
Check back soon for more videos (including more videos of these artists) from the Strange Days Music and Arts Festival 2010 – brought to you by the amazing folks at