Well, that was weird! And I guess it continues to be, but the future looks brighter. When the pandemic first started our family locked down fairly soon, and just before the broader society begin to do so. We had a 1 year old and a 3 year old and a highly at risk Grandma (my mom) who helped care for them. For the first 2 months, Lauren (my wife) and I worked from home and took care of our kids as we excluded my at risk mom from our bubble. We also helped take care of my brother’s foster daughter in the afternoons during this time. So, Beatlanta took an unexpected back seat. Those first 2 months were madness! Other members of the Beatlanta team also saw unforeseen circumstances arise and were unable to commit the required time.
After that, there were several instances where we tried to get to posting here but the pandemic stressors were still high. We waited to create new routines as we expected things to die down soon, but that moment kept getting pushed back further and further as our country failed miserably to respond to the pandemic. Anyway, lock downs, stress, more lock downs, more stress, you know the deal.
The point of all this is to say we’re back! We’ll be posting at least weekly here on Beatlanta.com as we forge our new routines after being fully vaccinated. I can’t wait to get back to seeing live music again. Its what I missed most during the past year (along with hanging with friends in person) and as my inbox fills with new show alerts, I buy tickets, get on guest lists and I patiently, and anxiously, await those shows.
We’ll be bringing you weekly band interviews, artist profiles, music showcases, free music downloads, new beer alerts and reviews and charity profiles. We’re also excited to start building out our ‘Art’ section to bring you more comedy, more spoken word, more authors, more poets, more sculptors, painters and the like.
Thank you to all the supporters who have continued to visit the site and read our incredible back log of covering Atlanta music and art for over 10 years now.
Thank you to all the bands, musicians, artists and more who continued to make great art and put it online, in most cases for free, for us to consume during this past year. It is greatly appreciated.
Our Condolences to anyone who has lost a family member or friend during these trying times.
BANDS and ARTISTS :: let us be your first stop in promoting yourself, new music and art, or even old music and art. We want to talk to you and feature your work! Please email beatlanta@gmail.com to inquire.
Stay tuned…