by Marina Yelensky...
“Higher Education is a band forged in the fires of brotherly love. Spawned by Danny and Petey Devaney’s love of music they have gone from a local favorite of the DMV to playing nationally at festivals and venues, leaving their indelible mark of love and celebration in each area they visit.
Their genre blending sound of rock, reggae, and psychedelic jams bring forward a message of community, love and introspection while still firmly rooted in the idea that this life can be one big party. Ignoring the confines of genre has given the band the ability to connect with their listeners, building a community that inhabits a better world.
The musicianship and versatility of the band has allowed them to provide direct support to roots reggae legends The Wailers, to funk legends George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic, to jam scene veterans Lettuce, all the way to winning over EDM crowds playing alongside Beats Antique among many others. Their ever-evolving palate offers something on the menu for all music fans.
Weaving in and out of genres and cities, Higher Education is now poised to spread their music farther than ever before with their 4th independent record “Gift Called Life” reaching #4 on the ITunes charts as well as receiving coverage in Relix Magazine and a feature on Sugarshack Sessions. After the recent release of 2 new singles Higher Education has passed 100k streams for the year on Spotify alone. The next single “Voice In My Head” is set for release on January 24th.
Together with Sound Culture and Rockstead, Higher education will be bringing their unique sound to Atlanta, Ga at Smith’s Olde Bar on January 14th. This is a not miss event for all music fans in Atlanta. RSVP to the Facebook event to stay up to date with show details.”
All information provided by Elise Olmstead.