I came across this charity listening to Sirius XM and a rep for the charity was being interviewed. It presented well and I really liked the setup and scope of what they are about. http://kageno.org/
Kageno’s Mission Statement: “Our Mission is to transform impoverished communities into “places of hope and opportunity.” More from Kageno.org: “Kageno believes that there is no “single solution” for communities living in poverty. There has to be change across multiple sectors, to effectively transform an impoverished community. This is why Kageno works with community leaders to develop programs in four key areas Education, Healthcare, Ventures (Income Generation), and Environment.
We help villages build schools, health centers, pharmacies, sanitation and clean water systems and develop programs to help them protect their fragile environments. We then build community centers with learning tools and internet access, identify training programs that support our efforts to build local economies.
Kageno programs give members of the community the ability to develop skills and start new businesses, create jobs, invest in their environment, control the spread of infectious diseases and ultimately live better, healthier lives.
Our programs are designed to be sustainable, after our initial investment the projects are nurtured for several years until the point where the community can take over and run the programs on their own.
Our initial programs in Rusinga Island have been turned over to the community and are being successfully run without further investment or dependency on Kageno.”