Many who know me know I’m quite outspoken on politics and issues I think should matter to a greater share of society. From helping wounded veterans to making sure we don’t create more wounded veterans through stupid, not well thought out wars. I often rant about government spending and the disorganization of our countries priorities. We tend to demonize the poor, take away their benefits and then cut taxes on the super wealthy. Its ass backwards. Ass backwards. We are the self professed “greatest and richest country to ever exist” and yet we can’t seem to agree on the things that matter; taking care of our poor, the needy, rebuilding our infrastructure and making education a top priority. The ‘system’ is bent to further the interests of the rich and keep the poor poor. That is where I come into agreement, somewhat, with Russell Brand. He is quite articulate and smart and its very interesting to me to hear him, as a rich famous person, speaking out against the corporatocracy and corrupt politics that favor the rich. He has been on both sides. Once a poor junkie alcoholic and now a rich, famous addict in constant recovery. He sees the disparity between the rich and poor and he spends a lot of his time now promoting social change through nonviolent resistance. While I don’t agree with his “Don’t Vote” view on changing politics, we both agree it is through the power of the people that change will occur. Not from our corrupt politicians on both sides. It is through the power of organization that we can make change happen at a faster pace and as we see fit. Just ask people in Tunisia, Egypt, Venezuela, Ukraine and many many other countries are participating in uprisings and revolution. I don’t agree with the violence associated with some of these countries but that is where the U.S. can stand out and show the world how its really done – through peaceful, non-violent means. I encourage you to watch the video below and share your ideas.