by Adam Keen…
Attention System has long been a favorite of Beatlanta since we first covered and interviewed them back in 2009 at Lenny’s. (I actually saw them a couple months before the Lenny’s show at Vinyl, but anyway…); and I’ve been a fan ever since. Their shows have always been edgy and fun, utilizing a display of smoke, lasers and lights. Their music is always fun and filled with electricity, cerebral, almost futuristic. “Chasing Rabbits” in particular stays true to Attention System’s eclectic electronic sound as you follow the band during band practice and other adventures after they eat some sort of mind altering baked goods 🙂 . Its a fun and entertaining track and video. Read, see and hear more from Attention System on
Attention System on FaCeBOoK
Video by John and Kasey Breedlove of HomeSlice Photography & Design (and Atlanta band Hip to Death).