A recent article I came across on the WW web gave us a short history of smoked beer and mentions some favorites to try out. We’d thought we’d share the favorites…
from the article on yahoo news…
“Of the smoked brews currently available, Fahey digs the Smoked Porter from Stone Brewing Company, which was at the forefront of the current revival. “[Porter] is kind of chocolatey-roasted already, and [the smoke] blends nice in the flavor profile,” Fahey said.
He also likes a smoked rye doppelbock whimsically named “Charkoota Rye” from New Holland Brewing. “It’s definitely more aggressive on the smoked character, but pairs very well with charcuterie.”
In some parts of the world, smoked beer never disappeared at all. The German city of Bamberg is known for its signature rauchbier, a medium-bodied beer brewed with a beechwood-smoked malt.
Fahey favors the smoked brews from Bamberg’s Schlenkerla brewery (try saying that three times fast), which are, luckily, available stateside. If you’re still unsure about this whole smoked beer thing, he suggests trying the brewery’s very lightly smoked Aecht Schlenkerla Helles Lagerbier.”
Read FoodRepublic.com’s 6 favorite beers to grill with here.