a bit from mpp.org on the video: “NASCAR fans attending the 2013 Brickyard 400 races are being greeted by this ad on a jumbo tron at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The spoof beer ad produced by the Marijuana Policy Project — http://www.mpp.org — highlights the relative safety of marijuana compared to alcohol by characterizing marijuana as a “new ‘beer'” with “no calories,” “no hangovers,” and “no violence” associated with its use.”
I think the video is great and I believe its the first of many of what will be an ever enlarging public campaign for the decriminalization of marijuana for recreational purposes. Stay tuned for many more videos, facts and ways forward as beatlanta jumps on this bandwagon. Beatlanta will be chronicling the latest news and developments in the legalization and decriminalization saga as it continues to gain ground after Colorado and Washington legalized it for recreational purposes. We believe here that many more will follow in the coming years and its exciting stuff.
Watch the video above…